We provide various shipping solutions for cars and auto shipping from the USA to Nigeria. Whether you're buying new or used cars from the USA or you want to know the cost of shipping a car from Nigeria, we are your professional auto shipping provider and we cover pick up from all USA states.
The services we offer for auto shipping are:
Containerized Car Importation to Nigeria-
Roro import of Car from US
Importation of trucks, lorries and trailers from the USA
Importation of Over-sized Equipment
Importation of heavy-duty machinery
Clearing cars in Nigeria at Lagos Tincan, Apapa port
Pick up and trucking of vehicles from any car dealer or car lot to the port of loading.
Valuehandlers is Shipping car from US, UK, Germany, Holland, Italy, UAE.
Ship to Nigeria- Air Shipping, Ocean Shipping, Freight Shipping Or Air Cargo