Guidelines to exporting goods, personal items, clothing, souvenirs, gift items, raw foodstuffs, and other essential home needs from Nigeria to Canada.
Do you have export shipments to ship from Nigeria? send your packing list to or Chat Tosin- What'sApp no. +2348082375017
I want to bring goods from Nigeria to Canada or send foodstuffs to Canada from Nigeria are the most common inquiries we get in Valuehandlers shipping company daily. These two questions have helped us to build expertise in exportation of goods and foods items from Nigeria to Canada for over a decade now.
This post is created to guide Nigerians, and perhaps African living in Canada who are desirous of importing Foodstuffs, clothing, souvenir, gift items, goods, personal items, raw food items, and other essential home needs into Canada. It will enumerate freight shipping costs from Nigeria to Canada, Items you can bring into Canada, different modes of shipping are explained, and we elucidate types of delivery timeline based on budgets.
Below are detailed guidelines to exporting from Nigeria and importing into Canada. It explained creating shipment, pick up / drop off, freight transportation into Canada, consolidation, customs, packaging, and shipping cost costs.
Creating export Shipment to Canada
In the age of digital, there are options available for customers to create Canada inbound shipments from Nigeria. You can create shipments when you buy online from Nigeria vendors who provide end to end buy and delivery service to overseas. And you can instruct family and friends to help buy, deliver with Valuehandlers shipping company for export to Canada.
Export Shipment Pick Up from Home / Marketplaces
The current economic challenges do not give room for excuses. These days, no one is willing to offer free lunch, and it’s becoming more and more like nothing goes for nothing- we are in the era of no time to check time. This is where we come in to support busy people who need pick-up service from home, shops, marketplaces, and offices. Valuehandlers export department offer pickup service from vendors in the markets, for onward transfer to receive in Canada.
Nigeria Export freight Drop Off
You can drop-off your packages, personal goods and foodstuffs for onward export from Nigeria to Canada in any of the below Valuehandlers export drop-off facilities in Nigeria;
Lagos- 12, Joseph Odunlami Street, Off Thomas Salako Street, Ogba. (Attn: Sulaiman)
Tel: +2348148808918.
Lagos (2)- Shop 13 and 33 Folashade Tinubu Block, Ilepo Market, Near Iyana Ipaja. (Attn: Kofo) Tel: +2347030820781.
Ibadan- No 2, Bakare Street, Off Scout Camp road, Near Felele junction, Challenge. (Attn: Kayode) Tel: +2348131974207.
Sorting cargo for export and verification
Whether you are sending family or friends to drop-off your export shipment in any of our facilities in Nigeria, you can enjoy our expertise in sorting and verification. This is where we advise you on which and what items are permitted into Canada.
Standard Packaging vs Repackaging
The standard packaging materials that are common are sack, Polythene bags, Plastics, plastic kegs, paper bags, Ziplock bags, Catons and Styrofoam. Whichever you use to deliver your goods and foodstuffs to Nigeria export facilities are subject to the approval by our compliance officer, whose responsibility among others is to ensure that your shipment complies with acceptable carrier specification, and safety measures are checked. Valuehandlers shipping export department will repack your shipment to comply with international transport standards, when required.
Weighing (Net weight versus Chargeable weight)
Every regular exporter of goods and essential commodities from Nigeria to Canada understands what net weight and chargeable weight are. Net weight is the total weight of the goods being shipped or the contents of a package, without including the weight of any packaging or containers, while chargeable weight is the measurement used by freight carriers to determine the price you will pay to ship your goods from one destination to another.
Do you have export shipments to ship from Nigeria? send your packing list to or Chat Tosin- What'sApp no. +2348082375017
· How to Deliver Canada Inbound Goods to Export Warehouses in Nigeria.
· Foodstuffs that are Permitted for Exportation from Nigeria to Canada.
· Canada customs and Clearance of goods and Foodstuffs from Nigeria.
· Nigerian foodstuffs and cargo Deconsolidation Warehouse in Canada.
· Canada Inbound shipment- FAQ
· Pick-up versus doorstep delivery service in Canada.